We’re preparing for a late night with Jack. Why does he do it? We’re not sure, but it has to be fought and won!
In Marlborough, New Zealand, late spring frosts can cause severe damage. The low temperatures (sub zero) and high air moisture levels will retard vine growth and burn new shoots. Without effective frost protection winemakers and growers can lose their entire crop!
Above is the helicopter we’ll need to use if the temperature drops below 1C. We’ve strategically placed temperature sensitive flashing lights around the vineyard in the low lying areas that will flash and tell the pilot where to fly. By hovering over the vineyard at a height of 7-15m the pilot can find the inversion layer (warmer air) and blow this down into the cold air that’s covering the vineyard. This process can last all night so a coffee thermos and hot toast are a must.
Fingers crossed Jack doesn’t get his way!